And into the sewing room i go to lose my mind and fin my soul Shirt
What is social selling3 reasons why your business should care about social sellingSocial selling best practicesHow to get started with social selling on each platform
Bonus: Get the free social selling guide for financial services. Learn how to generate and nurture leads and win business using social media.What is social sellingselling is the art of using social media to find, connect with, understand, and nurture sales prospects. It’s the modern way to develop meaningful relationships with potential customers so you’re the first person or brand a prospect thinks of when they’re ready to buy.For many salespeople, it’s replaced the dreaded practice of cold calling.If you have a Facebook Business Page, LinkedIn profile, or professional Twitter account, you’re already engaged in the basics of social selling—even if you’ve never actually used the term to describe your online activities, or thought all that much about exactly what social selling really means.Take Hootsuite Academy’s Social Selling Course and learn how to find leads and drive sales with social media.erhaps equally important to explaining what social selling means is to explain what social selling is not. It’s certainly not about bombarding strangers with unsolicited tweets and private messages. There’s a name for that: spam. And you shouldn’t do itSocial selling is not just about gaining access to contacts but about building relationships and listening for the right moment to join the conversation so you can present yourself as a solution to a problem. The aim is to address a pressing need to make your prospect’s life easier rather than becoming just another online irritant to ignore.

And into the sewing room i go to lose my mind and fin my soul Shirt
Now that you understand what social selling is, let’s look at why doing it well is so important for your business. reasons why your business should care about social sellingYou’ll read a lot of statistics in this next section as we look at why your brand should care about social selling. But really, there’s one big 800-pound gorilla of a reasonto care: social selling works. Period.Indeed, 78% of salespeople engaged in social selling are outselling their peers who are not.If your sales team has not embraced social selling, your sales are quite simply not what they could be. Here are three key reasons why.1. Social selling lets your sales team build real relationshipsLet’s face it: Nobody likes cold calling. And the truth is that it’s not very effective anyway: 90 percent of top decision-makers say they never respond to cold calls. Using social tools to listen in on conversations relevant to your industry—known as social listening—allows your sales team to identify new leads that are already talking about your business, your competitors, or your industry, so you can reach out to them slowly with useful information when the time is right.In a recent survey by CSO Insights and Seismic, one in three B2B professionals said that social selling tools increased the number of leads they had to work with. Even more—39%—said that social tools reduced the amount of time they spent researching accounts and contacts.