Biden is an IDIOT Shirt
President Trump loves branding his opponents. Boy, do I have the brand for Joe Biden. Other than “Basement Biden.” Or Biden is the leader of the “Dementia-crats.” Those two are effective and memorable too.But nothing beats this little ditty: BIDEN stands for “BIGGEST IDIOT DEMOCRATS EVER NOMINATED.”Forget Biden’s nonstop stumbling and bumbling. Forget that he appears to not know where he is (he talked about New Hampshire, but was in Vermont)…what day it is (remember “Super Thursday”)…what year it is (remember in the presidential debate when old Joe said “Joe203030”)…or who he is (remember Joe opening a speech with “Hello, I’m Jill Biden”). Forget all that.Forget his lifetime record of 40 years as part of the DC Swamp establishment, accomplishing nothing for the American peopleorget about the massive corruption in China and Ukraine, with his son Hunter as the bagmanForget about presiding over the worst economic recovery in America’s history.Forget about supporting AOC’s $10 trillion Green New Deal that will bankrupt the US economy and kill millions of jobs forever.Forget about old Joe’s radical new beliefs in open borders and “defund the police.” Oh, and Biden also said recently, “the police are the enemy.” Process that for a minutForget about his racist past, compliments for a former KKK leader, and use of the “n word” on the Senate floor. Or telling black Americans that if they vote for Trump, they aren’t black.orget about his clear dementia issues. Or the fact
Repeat this 24/7, every day, in every speech, in every TV ad. It’s the end of Biden.Personally, I have nothing against Islam. It’s a perfectly good religion…as long as we forget the suicide bombers…use of human shields…gays being thrown off buildings…women being stoned to death…little girls disfigured by acid for wanting an education…women sent to prison for being gang raped…honor killings…soldiers set on fire in cages…genital mutilation…and don’t forget artists being murdered for drawing a cartoon of Mohammed. Other than that, it’s a swell religion.Never forget, Basement Joe wants to convert all our kids to Islam! Hip, hip, hooray.But wait, there’s more. Joe just promised on day one of his presidency to end Trump’s “Muslim Travel Ban.” It’s THAT important to deal with it on day one. Basement Joe is horrified that we don’t have more immigrants from the terrorist havens of Somalia, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, North Korea and Venezuela.