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Captain Pierce mash 4077 original swamp gin shirt
A bureaucratic mistake leaves the army thinking that Hawkeye Pierce is dead, and he simultaneously enjoys the lack of responsibility that comes from being legally deceased, with trying to contact his father back in Maine to tell him Captain Pierce mash 4077 original swamp gin shirt he’s still alive. The episode opens with Klinger filling in for Radar, who is on leave in Seoul waking up B.J. Hunnicutt with a midnight call from Hawkeye’s father.

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Hawkeye is informed of the call and accompanies B.J.and Klinger to the phone, but all Hunnicutt hears from Hawkeye’s father is before the phone line is knocked out. At daybreak, Lieutenant Detmuller Richard Masur arrives at the camp looking for Captain Pierce, and is surprised to find him still alive.

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