Mickey Mouse was created as a replacement for Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, an earlier cartoon character that was created by the Disney studio but owned by Universal Pictures. Charles Mintz served as a middleman producer between Disney and Universal through his company, Winkler Pictures, for the series of cartoons starring Oswald. Ongoing conflicts between Disney and Mintz and the revelation that several animators from the Disney studio would eventually leave to work for Mintz’s company ultimately resulted in Disney cutting ties with Oswald. Among the few people who stayed at the Disney studio were animator Ub Iwerks, apprentice artist Les Clark, and Wilfred Jackson. On his train ride home from New York, Walt brainstormed ideas for a new cartoon character.
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Shipping costs will vary depending on the shipping destination and the number of items that you purchase
1.2 How long will it take to ship my order?
Worldwide shipping. Orders typically ship within 5-20 business days. Shipping times vary based on the product and destination.
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Credit Cards: We accept Visa, American Express, Mastercard, and Discover
Debit Cards: We accept debit cards featuring the Mastercard or Visa logo. If you’re paying with a pre-paid debit card, you must register them before using them for online purchases. You can do this by following instructions on the card or contacting their own support teams.
PayPal: PayPal allows members to have a personal account linked to any bank account or credit card for easy payment at checkout.
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