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I’m not short Im Chucky size shirt and sweatshirt
Currently, while waiting for the official news, it seems that Mancini is teasing people or have an intention alluded to something. It seems he is back focusing on bringing Chucky and Tiffany back to the fans. On Mancini’s tweet, we can speculate on the scenario of the movie being written. I also see Glen Chucky and Tiffany’s son posted on his site, “It’s not known when the film will start filming and if Universal confirmed the green light, we know that Fiona Dourif ( Brad’s daughter will return, the character has appeared in Curse of Chucky in 2013. “Chucky is one of the icons of the thriller

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All the haunting and an open ending in Curse of Chucky made the fans hope for a sequel when Andy Barclay (Alex Vincent) would have appeared for revenge, while Tiffany – Chucky’s bride was unexpected. Shocked to the fans in human form.

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