Cow I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Shirt
The Historical Significance of the CowWritten by Chuck Backus, Arizona Rancher & Past President, AZ Cattle R & Ed FoundationCattle people usually spend their entire lives working with cows, but usually don’t know much about the history of the cow. However, the history of cows is completely interwoven with the development of the civilizations of humans. This is certainly true for the civilizations that originated in the Europe, Asia and northern Africa.It is estimated that the “Cow” was domesticated by “Man” between 8 and 10,000 years ago. However, many who write about the history of Cows (1, 2, 3) suggest that Cows really domesticated Man. At the very least, Cows helped humans’ leave more than a million years of small “Hunter and Gatherer” bands to create communities or townsThe Cow provided the essentials of, or groundwork for, organized society:Food (meat, milk, cheese and butter);Leather for clothes and footwear;

Cow I Have Ptsd Pretty Tired Of Stupid Democrats Shirt
A “Beast-of-Burden” for pulling a plow for the growing of domesticable plants (domesticated soon after cows) and for pulling carts/wagons (when developed 5,000 years ago); andFuel in the form of their manure (“Buffalo chips”) and fertilizer for crops.Cows allowed just a few people to provide food for a much larger and more diverse community. That community included home builders, craftsman and artisans as well politicians and armies. Cows helped jump-start specialization in human societies, which in turn allowed for greater efficiencies to developThe brief history of domestic cowsCows were native inhabitants of Europe and Asia (Eurasia) and their immediate ancestor was called “Aurochs,” which roamed from England to China. Paintings of Aurochs appear, with other hunted animals, on cave walls in Europe when humans inhabited caves 14,000 years ago (1). Some last remnants of Aurochs still existed in northern Germany 2,000 years ago when the Romans came. Caesar’s account of them was: “In size these are somewhat smaller than elephants and, in the shape, they are as bulls.”