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With Deadpool 2 now available on digital platforms, you just know we had to dig through all the special features and audio commentary. If you decide to pick up the film on iTunes, you’ll actually be getting your money’s worth to be exact since you’re getting the Super Duper Cut, a few Deadpool Roses are red violets are blue I have 5 fingers shirt deleted scenes, over an hour of behind-the-scenes featurettes. X-Force bios, and a doozy of a commentary from star Ryan Reynolds, director David Leitch, and screenwriting duo Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.

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We sifted through all of these like an old-timey prospector might have panned for precious metals, and discovered a ton of stuff about the Marvel sequel that we didn’t know before. From codenames to casinos, here are the revelations we discovered on Deadpool 2’s digital edition.

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