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The genus mammoths, in latin ‘Mammuthus’, was a group of species, belonging to the family of elephants, entirely separated in taxonomy from the Mastodons and the genus family ‘Mammutidae’, although they sometimes shared the same environment. (For scientific reasons, the mastodons was renamed to family ‘Mammutidae’, which became a source for future confusion and misunderstandings).The Mammoth probably has origin from ‘Stegodon’ and started to develop during upper Pliocene, (some 4 million years ago) in Africa. Mammoths spread to Europe and Asia, and Mammuthus meridionalis went over the Bering Strait to North America about 1.8 million years ago, (the woolly Mammoth went over much later) and became extinct during lower Holocene, probably exterminated by prehistoric humans who hunted them.The modern-day African and Asian elephants belong to the order ‘Proboscidea’. In the past there were some 350 members in this order, however, over time the majority of the members succumbed to extinction. Today, there are only two final survivors to this order, Elephas maximus (Asian elephant) and Loxodonta africana (African elephant).

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Much like their predecessors, these two species are facing a grim future that is heading very near to another man-propelledextinction.MAMMOTH CHARACTERISTICSMammoths had bumps on their head.Both male and female mammoth had tusks.Some of the Mammoths tusks were straight, some were curved.The longest Mammoth tusks were up to 13 feet (4 metres) long.Mammoths had longer tusks than Mastodons, a wider head, a sloping back and flat chewing teethThe Mammoths trunk had two finger-like projections like African elephants.Mammoths teeth were flat like asian elephantsMost species of Mammoth were not larger than recent elephants.MORE ELEPHANT HISTORY: THE JARKOV MAMMOTHThere is probably no animal more widely acknowledged as symbolizing the prehistoric North than the woolly mammoth. Although the remains of many mammoths have been discovered, none have excited the publics imagination like Siberias Jarkov Mammoth. The distinct possibility that with the current state of cloning technology, a new mammoth can be created has fired many peoples imagination.