In a world full of princesses Be a firefighter Shirt
First attempts at firefighting can be traced as far back as the 2nd century. It was then that an Egyptian from Alexandria named Ctesibus built a basic hand pump that could squirt a jet of water, but the idea was lost until the fire pump was reinvented about AD 1500. After nearly being destroyed by uncontrollable conflagrations, ancient Rome developed a fire department consisting of approximately 7,000 paid firefighters. These fire brigades not only responded to and fight fires, but also patrolled the streets with the authority to impose corporal punishment upon those who violated fire prevention codes. Catastrophic fires have plagued the United States for almost 400 years. The development of fire fighting forces in the United States, especially in the Northeast, has brought innovations in modern fire fighting throughout the world.
In a world full of princesses Be a firefighter Shirt
The first recorded structure fire in the United States occurred in 1608 in the colony of Jamestown. On January 7, a fire leveled most of the fragile colony which was just barely a year old. Captain John Smith wrote of the fire in his journal: “Most of our apparel, lodging and private provisions were destroyed, I begin to think that it is safer for me to dwell in the wild Indian country than in this stockade, where fools accidentally discharge their muskets and others burn down their homes at night.” Things haven’t changed much.