In God We Trust Guns are Just Backup Shirt
I was told that God tested Abraham, even when God knew Abraham’s loyalty, so that Abraham himself would know his own loyalty and faith to God. I also personally believe that the trials that God sent and will send in my life will be for my own good. I would like to know how faithful I am or if I’m just all talkGod is all-knowing and all-powerful but He cannot do everything like going against His promises or telling a lie just like how He cannot create a rock that He cannot lift by Himself. Since He created mankind to have free will, He cannot force mankind against his will to do what He tells them to do. He could have just created us like robots which are programmed to do by the maker. But He did not. That’s how He loves us. He doesn’t want to force mankind to believe in Him nor does He want to force mankind to love Him. He wants His creation to love, obey and believe in Him by their own free will.What’s amazing is; do you know that the instant Adam and Eve sinned, God already made a plan to redeem mankind? You see, when Adam and Eve sinned, mankind’s relationship with God was broken since God cannot tolerate sin for He is holy (meaning: set apart). Adam’s relationship with God was really close; they were hand-in-hand. But this intimate relationship with the Creator was broken because of sin (meaning of sin: eternal separation from God). Still, God made a plan to redeem mankind; and that is in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son..”
My point is, yes, God is all-knowing but He cannot do everything (which is usually a misconception by others); He cannot go against His own nature: being Holy. And so, even if He knew that Adam and Eve would sin, He couldn’t force them to obey Him because they have free will. All He could do is to redeem mankind by sacrificing His SonThat’s the gist of it. I suggest you read the Bible starting from John at the New Testament. The Scriptures is basically about Jesus Christ from the Old Testament to the New Testament.

In God We Trust Guns are Just Backup Shirt
Why does God exist? How have the three dominant monotheistic religions–Judaism, Christianity, and Islam–shaped and altered the conception of God? How have these religions influenced each other? In this stunningly intelligent book, Karen Armstrong, one of Britain’s foremost commentators on religious affairs, traces the history of how men and women have perceived and experienced God, from the time of Abraham to the present.The epic story begins with the Jews’ gradual transformation of pagan idol worship in Babylon into true monotheism–a concept previously unknown in the world. Christianity and Islam both rose on the foundation of this revolutionary idea, but these religions refashioned ‘the One God’ to suit the social and political needs of their followers. From classical philosophy and medieval mysticism to the Reformation, Karen Armstrong performs the near miracle of distilling the intellectual history of monotheism into one superbly readable volume, destined to take its place as a classic.