It’s Weid Being The Same Age As Old People Shirt
The Old People has always been a strong section of the society. They have been supported and have remained loyal to one another since time immemorial. In fact, they have lived the most contented life just keeping their old age in mind. One interesting thing that has come into the notice of historians is their wearing of old age clothes. There are many instances where they still keep that old look even today. The Old People are categorized as the vulnerable segment of the society, because they face various threats throughout their lives.The Old People are in general suffering from the deprivation and stress due to various social, economical and environmental factors. They are economically inactive. They depend on alms for their survival. They live in dilapidated houses, forced to move from one place to another due to environmental hazards and natural calamities. The rapid urbanization has not helped them much in this regard either.

It’s Weid Being The Same Age As Old People Shirt
The Old People generally lead a quite solitary life when compared to the earlier times. They do not have any group friends or relations with anyone. Though they may be in touch with their close friends and relatives through newspaper, television, or some form of communication, no bonds are maintained among the Old People. In order to survive, the society has been providing them with necessities and facilities with the passage of time.