Jenni Rivera Mood Shirt
Interpreting our own and others’ social behaviors is an important cognitive task in everyday life. Recent work in cognitive psychology suggests that temporary mood states may have a significant effect on the way information about common social events is processed. This study investigated how (a) a person’s current mood, (b) the target of the judgments (self vs other), and (c) the characteristics of the social episode (formal-informal; intimate-nonintimate) influenced people’s assessment of, and memory for, social behaviors. Subjects were videotaped while engaging in four different kinds of interactions with trained confederates. One day later subjects were hypnotized, and a happy, positive, or depressed, negative mood was induced. They then watched and rated their own and their partner’s interactions on the videotape. Results showed strong mood influence on behavior assessments and recall memory, and significant effects due to target (self vs other) and the type of interaction episode. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for contemporary research on social cognition, and their relevance to cognitively based theories of social maladjustment and depression are considered.
Jenni Rivera Mood Shirt
Emotions exert a significant influence on financial behavior. The “socionomic hypothesis” posits social mood, the collective mood of individuals, as a primary causal variable in financial and social trends. In order to provide a scientific basis for the study of social mood, this article reviews psychological research on major mood-related elements of personality: affect, motivation, and personality traits. We examine the structure and functions of these core personality dimensions, and discuss research on contagion processes by which individuals’ moods spread and manifest in a collective social mood. We also address implications for financial and economic behavior. Social mood is rooted in empirically established personality dimensions that are fundamental to human nature, and can influence financial outcomes.