Metallica 40th anniversary 1981 2921 tank you for the memories Shirt
This album – with the sensational image (the hand is falling into a pool of blood) – is the embodiment of a youthful, energetic Metallica with a “no cut” and “proposal”. Metallica this period is full of hippie activities: eating day, beer and sleeping, video game night all over the big clubs of Los Angeles, San Francisco, every place to play is to throw it up, use it in half a month both boarding bus fixtures travel from the West Coast to the East Coast.Metallica’s debut album stunned the metal world with its speedy hissing riffs accompanied by meaningful lyrics and an energy few bands of that time could convey, although the composition style is similar to Diamond Head and is heavily influenced by Motorhead. (Watch in the VCD of this period to see Metallica in an interview: James doesn’t admire anyone, Lars likes Diamond Head, Dave Mustaine likes Motorhead, and Cliff chooses Black Sabbath with ZZTOP). “Kill ‘Em All” is full of fresh materials and although the lyrics are full of inciting violence, destruction, killing, but in general, the atmosphere of this album still has something. a bit

Metallica 40th anniversary 1981 2921 tank you for the memories Shirt2
passionate drumming of Lars Ulrich. Immediately after that is the classic song “Master of Puppets” that really stimulates the listeners ‘senses to a climax, this is really a total attack on the listeners’ eardrums at a speed of sometimes reaching zero. thought. It also gave the fans a feeling of fake rest in the middle of the song before flaring up again, depicting the terrible magic of drugs … marijuana on the background is Metallica’s signature raging and intense music. Kirk Hammett has the opportunity to show off a series of twisted, stormy guitar lines that pull the listener’s emotions from one state to another in more than 8 and a half minutes. In this album, Metallica also released another song based on the horror work by old man Lovecraft mentioned above, which is “The Thing That Should Not Be”. “The thing that should not Be” is a spiritual story with incredible horror images “Crawling chaos,