Mom est.1993 GiGi Est.2021 Shirt
I differ with Autism Speaks POV in that their party line is vaccines are safe and they refuses to see the many eyewitness parent accounts of regressive autism as vaccine injury. Although I was surprised to see the grandfather of a child with autism– who started the organization Autism Speaks with his wife–amazingly tell Matt Lauer, (paraphrased) “you have to wonder if all the one-size-fits all vaccine schedule is are good for all children, since all children are not alike.” And I’ve readthat his own daughter blames her son’s vaccines for his regression into autism. I just don’t believe parents who claim they don’t want a cure (as IF they had a choice!!.). Even if they say that now, just wait til that cute little boy who is progressing so well before the age of 5 with the help of ABA, speech, TLC etc, still wants to watch Barney at age 16 and /or has a major regression due to seizures. Wait til that little toddler is a teen who longs for a neurotypical girl at his school to “marry” him–misunderstanding her kindness and compassion for him.

Mom est.1993 GiGi Est.2021 Shirt
It friggin’ breaks my heart. So, yeah, people are aware already. What they may not be aware of is that Temple Grandlin is an outlier. And Jerry Seinfeld does NOT have autism, no he doesn’t. Not even “mild” Aspergers. No. He. Does. Not. The vast majority of people with autism as I know it will never go on the lecture circuit or marry or independently support themselves or do a hundred other things people without autism take for granted. Like understand world history or what a war or a villian is, plots of Disney movies, or even why his mom is crying as she drives him to the pool for a swim on a Friday night instead of letting him have the car to go to his high school football game like other teens his age.