Skull Why Should I Apologize For The Monster Have Become Shirt
KrakenMaritime lore is filled with tales of vicious sea serpents and scaly-skinned fish men, but few creatures of the deep have struck fear into sailors’ hearts like the mighty kraken. Tracing its origins back to a giant fish from Norse mythology called the hafgufa, the kraken first entered popular folklore as a titanic octopus or squid spotted by fishermen off the coasts of Norway and Greenland. One 18th century account by Bishop Erik Pontoppidan described it as a squid-like beast so large that when any part of its body stuck out of the water it resembled a floating island. The kraken supposedly used its many tentacles to ensnare ships’ masts and drag them to the icy depths, but it could also create a deadly whirlpool just by submerging itself underwater. Tales of the kraken’s wrath might be embellished, but the creature itself is not entirely fanciful. The legend may have been inspired by sightings of actual giant squid, and some paleontologists have argued that the prehistoric oceans were once home to 100-foot-long cephalopods that fed on whale-sized Ichthyosaurs.

Skull Why Should I Apologize For The Monster Have Become Shirt
Few style evolutions have been as remarkable as that of the hooded sweatshirt. From its origins in Medieval Europe to its powerful presence in today’s fashion world, the hoodie has become both a style icon and a statement piece. Looking back at the history of the hoodie – with its roots in sport and fashion – makes it easy to understand why this has long been an essential item for many a runner’s wardrobe.12th Century – The first hooded garmentsHooded garments date back to Medieval Europe or earlier. Monks wore tunics with hoods (known as “cowls”) and outdoor workers wore capes with hoods (known as “chaperon.”). It is believed that the short cape (or “capa”) was imported to England in the 12th Century during the Norman Conquest, as the cape was particularly common in Normandy.