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Lions and cheetahs are increasingly sought by criminals to replace tiger products, but there is a demand for ivory and rhino horn, the UN report shows. The sense of sight showed signs of constant decrease.Asia has the greatest demand for wildlifeThe United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has just released its Wildlife Crime Report 2020, highlighting that billions of dollars worth of illegal wildlife trade continues to be a termite. Great threat to nature, global biodiversity and human health.It’s worth noting that crime groups increasingly use social media platforms to sell their products

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the demand for ivory and rhino horn has shown signs of a continual decline, in particular, with lower prices from poachers in Africa. Even so, data from a number of large-scale seizures of ivory and rhino horn in 2019 shows that, to date, 2019 has been a record year for smuggling of these two groups of products.The plummeting population of pangolins in Asia has turned western and central Africa the largest hub for the illegal wildlife trade on the planet, the report shows. Its scales are often used in traditional medicine in China and Vietnam. Market analysis shows that the illegal trade in pangolin has increased 10 times from 2014 to 2018.The illegal wildlife trade enters the marketAnalysis of wildlife product capture data from 149 countries and territories over the past two decades revealed the scale of global wildlife trafficking, while also describing trends at smuggled markets for rosewood, ivory, rhino horn, pangolin scales, live reptile, big cats and European eel.However