Nowadays, There are some rivers you don’t want to cross River Tam and River Song shirt help customers to have a good appearance not only work environment but also hangout purpose. Indeed, T-shirts are attributes of good materials, which made from the foremost comfy and highest quality materials. It gives positive emotion including soft and comfortable and also amazing colors bright, which allow you to tricky or dazzling attain a desired achievement.
There are some rivers you don’t want to cross River Tam and River Song shirt
There was once a kingdom of monkeys in the forest. The King of the Monkeys was very very large, and was very kind and wise. One day, the King was strolling & he noticed mango trees along the side of a river. He also noticed a human castle downstream. He then ordered the monkeys toremove all the mangos from these trees, “or there would be disaster”. The monkeys did not understand the King’s intention, but they did as told anyway. All the mangos were taken off these trees except one. This one was hidden behind a nest.
One day, this mango was ripe and fell into the river. It flowed downstream where the human King was having a bath. He noticed the mango & asked the Prime Minister what it was. The PM told him it was a “mango”, a fruit of wonderful taste. The King then ordered that the mango be cut into small pieces & he gave a small piece to each of his ministers. When satisfied that the mango was not poisonous, he ate the rest of it & realized how tasty it was. He craved for more.

Do you like There are some rivers you don’t want to cross River Tam and River Song shirt?
The next day, the human king, with his troops, went upstream to search for more of these fruits. There were lots of mango trees, but also lots of monkeys. The human king doesn’t want to share the mangos with the monkeys, so he ordered all of them to be killed. A massacre started.
When the news reached the wise Monkey King, he commented, “The day has finally arrived”. The thousands of monkeys were chased all the way tothe edge of the forest. There was a deep cliff at the edge of the forest, and a bamboo forest at the other side of the cliff. The Monkey King saw that if his subjects could cross over to the bamboo forest, they will be saved.

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