Trucker Black smoke Matters Shirt
At a time when many of the long-established practices and assumptions of American managers have fallen under serious challenge, practitioners and professors alike have needed to take a hard look at how they understand the challenges and responsibilities of management.To what extent has practice become riddled by the curse of easy formulas? How far has the temptation of the quick fix distorted complex choices? In what fashion has the impulse to view future conditions as a simple extrapolation of present trends played havoc with today’s decisions? A changed competitive world has made answering these, and many other such questions, a matter of no small urgency.On this task, the study and teaching of history have helped shed much light. If the quality of executives’ judgment is to improve and if executives are to be able to draw with confidence an intelligence on the experience of others, they must first know how to read the lessons embedded in that experience. Here, as the discussants show in a variety of ways, lies the value of history in management—and in management education.Alan M. KantrowThe Participantslfred D. Chandler Jr. is Isidor Straus Professor of Business History at the Harvard Business School and editor of Harvard …Chandler: Don’t forget, the heart of this school’s curriculum has always been the case study, and the case study is precisely what a historian does, what a historian is trained to do.
Trucker Black smoke Matters Shirt
McDonald: Let me talk a bit from my point of view as a consultant. One of the first things you do when looking at a major problem is to try to define the context or environment in which to place that problem. Only then does the problem really begin to take on meaning, make its true severity clear, or point the way toward management actions that might resolve it.Tedlow: If you think about it, what Al Chandler has been able to do—in his own writing and in his development of the business history course here—is set up a context within which historians can effectively examine business enterprise and ask questions of it that are interesting and useful. He’s provided the context.You know, when you’re teaching here, there’s no feeling in the gut that’s worse than when you feel you have lost the thread of the course, that somehow you are just teaching a string of cases and nothing more. Many times, it is history that supplies that thread and helps to give order to a mass of experience.