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Wolf worn by force not by fear face mask
The good news is that wolf worms in cats are fairly rare. The bad news is that if your cat is invaded by a wolf worm, formally known as a cuterebra, it’s one of the most disgusting things you might ever see. Imagine a hole on your cat, out of which emerges a large worm. In reality, it’s a botfly larva. Your vet must treat a cuterebra infestation, since it’s imperative to remove the entire larva from your cat’s body. Female botflies lay eggs near nests of the principal hosts, generally rabbits or rodents. Felines aren’t primary hosts for the cuterebra, but outdoor cats can pick up the parasite while Wolf worn by force not by fear face mask checking out the living spaces of wild creatures. The larvae enter the cat’s body through orifices or wounds, not via skin penetration. The best way to prevent cuterebra transmission to cats is by keeping them indoors.
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It’s important to seek professional help to remove the larva rather than doing it yourself because any part of the larva left behind can result in a severe bodily reaction in the cat. After the larva is gone, your vet will flush out the site and remove any unhealthy tissue. It can take some time for the wound to heal. Your vet might prescribe antibiotics for your cat. While most cats recover promptly from a cuterebra infestation, it can prove fatal if the larva migrates to the brain. Cats with larva in the brain develop neurological problems, including vision loss, circling, head tilt, behavioral changes and seizures.
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