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Previously, the UK had planned to reduce the number of nuclear warheads to 180 by the middle of this decade, but now it has not reduced but extended the limit to 260, although in fact it has not yet built more.|British officials explained that in order to have a new global position, Britain turned to the Indo-Pacific region, and left the EU, so it needed to increase its armed independence.|Among the three military spearheads, atomic weapons play a central and strategic role, alongside space warfare and cyber warfare.|This is an opportunity to find out what kind of nuclear weapons the UK ‘has’ at present, and how it works.|More importantly, what is the British atomic weapons doctrine, and how does it apply in practice?|Do not support the Anti-Nuclear Weapons Treaty|Britain was one of the first countries to research and possess nuclear technology for military use.|Two immigrant scientists, Otto Frisch and Fritz Peierls, drew up the first blueprint, presenting the theoretical basis for building an atomic bomb in Britain in the early 1940s.|Later, Britain participated in the Manhattan Project of the United States to create the atomic bomb, two of which were dropped on Japan by the United States to end World War in Asia in 1945.