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In the US, the amount of food wasted every day is huge. Not only food, but electricity, water, and paper are also discarded without being reused to save money.|Don’t spend cash, only use credit cards|Some tourists from Asia will find it quite confusing and difficult with the habit of using credit cards to pay all kinds of spending bills of Americans. The cashless system in the US is extremely developed, and cards are accepted everywhere. Even a small picnic, people are also equipped with convenient card payment devices similar to luxury and fixed restaurants.|Unbelievably good return policy|You can return anything, including food, to the store within 90 days of you buying it. You don’t even need a good reason for your return. Stores all have a built-in reason to accept your return, such as “buyer repentance” – which implies allowing you to return the item because you no longer like it.|Outside of the big city, everyone has a car|Cars are a popular means of transport in a country as large as the United States, when public transport has not been developed beyond remote areas.
