Tesla layoffs: Global job cuts to impact leading markets US, China

tesla semi

“Tesla Slashes Jobs Worldwide, Hitting US and China Hardest”


Business Standard

Tesla is laying off employees in the United States and China, its two biggest markets, across sales, technology, and engineering, according to five people briefed on the matter.

A Tesla program manager in California posted a spreadsheet onTwitter listing names, titles, and locations of employees who were laid off, affecting hundreds of roles. The manager said the spreadsheet is based on personal knowledge and may not be exhaustive.

The layoffs come as Tesla faces a number of challenges, including supply chain disruptions, rising costs, and increased competition. The company also recently recalled 362,000 vehicles due to software issues.

The layoffs are expected to impact Tesla’s ability to meet its production and delivery targets. The company has already been struggling to meet its target of producing 20 million vehicles per year by 2030.

The layoffs are also a blow to Tesla’s morale. The company has been known for its high-pressure work environment, and the layoffs are likely to add to the stress of employees.

Tesla has not yet commented publicly on the layoffs.


Here are some additional details about the layoffs:

  • The layoffs are global, affecting employees in the United States, China, and other countries.
  • The layoffs are across all levels of the company, from sales and marketing to engineering and technology.
  • The reasons for the layoffs are not yet clear, but they are likely due to a combination of factors, including supply chain disruptions, rising costs, and increased competition.
  • The layoffs are expected to impact Tesla’s ability to meet its production and delivery targets.
  • The layoffs are also a blow to Tesla’s morale.

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