God surrounded by Shih Tzu angel Poster

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The true origin of the Shih Tzu breed is still a controversial mystery. However, based on genetic analysis technology and archaeological materials, it is certain that they occur in the Tibetan plateau. Since ancient times, the Shih Tzu is considered a very precious breed, often bred and bred by Tibetan monks as gifts to ancient Chinese Emperors. Many kings in China and Mongolia considered the Shih Tzu dog to be a mascot, capable of bringing prosperity and peace.

God surrounded by Shih Tzu angel Poster1
God surrounded by Shih Tzu angel Poster1

Despite having a very special place in China’s feudal dynasties, the Shih Tzu was largely unknown to the rest of the world until 1861, when a member of the British Royal Family became queen. of China (Empress T’zu Hsi). She had a great love for this breed and decreed the execution of those who dared to harm this breed. During the reign of T’zu Hsi, the Shih Tzu dogs had their own palace, servants and were cared for like real princesses and princes.

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